Product code P00559

UALP Large needle massage mat plus 6.2 Ag

159.90 EUR
Under The Order (7-14 days)

The size is 560x290 mm, the needle pitch is 6.2 mm, the number of needles is 4538.

A distinctive feature of the Big Plus Needle Massage Mat is its size 560x290 mm, which allows you to use the entire surface of the back and turn on the maximum number of reflex zones. The comfortable 6.2mm needle pitch is suitable for people with varying skin sensitivities.

Rest on the rug gives you the opportunity to actively influence the spine, get rid of joint pain and reduce muscle tension. Regular use of the mat improves blood circulation, improves vitality and performance.

Walking on the mat in a sitting position or pressing from heel to toe has a beneficial effect on the nerve endings located on the feet, and has a general healing effect for the whole body.

Length (cm) 56
Width (cm) 29
Needle pitch (mm 6.2
Number of needles (pcs) 4538
Base material medical rubber
Composition of needles iron, copper, nickel, zinc, silver
The form mat
Color blue, red, orange, green, blue
Warranty period 12 months
Manufacturer IPC "Lyapko"
Producing country Ukraine

Many people complain of back pain, and the average age of those complaining is declining every year. Back problems significantly complicate their daily life, not only in older people.
Young people or even children also seek medical help for various reasons due to back pain.

True, the causes of these pains are varied. Before you can help yourself, it is especially important to identify the source of pain and find out the exact diagnosis.

Pain is divided into acute and chronic pain. Knowing its uniqueness can help you better understand your body and help it. Acute pain s - very severe, recurring acute pain that can last up to several months.
It is usually felt in one area of ​​the back, in the same place each time, and lasts irregularly. May worsen after exercise. Conventional treatment helps.

Tips & Warnings Do not lift heavy objects or lie in bed for long periods of time as your back muscles will weaken, but also gradually increase your physical activity. Pay attention to the position of the body, maintain the correct posture.
Do not tolerate pain, if it gets worse, see your doctor. Consult a specialist for a variety of back exercises and massages, as well as orthopedic braces. Take B vitamins (B1, B6, B12) to relieve pain.
Various needle applicators, massage rollers (such as Lyapko applicators) that heat and stimulate the painful area will also help relieve back pain.

Chronic pain is long-term pain that lasts more than a few months. When you are in chronic pain, you feel a burning, sharp pain. Legs may become numb, feel the general heaviness of the body, suffer from malaise, irritability.
Pain is usually due to a severe, painful previous injury, previous fractures, various lesions, wear and tear on the joints, muscle weakness, or after surgery. Conventional treatment does not help.

Tips and Warnings Do not lift heavy objects or work as this can seriously harm you. Regular medical examination is required. Rehabilitation and treatment procedures are especially needed.
For chronic or acute pain, take B vitamins that suppress pain. Various needle applicators and massage rollers that heat and stimulate the affected area also help relieve back pain.

Applicators developed by N.G. Lyapko Lyapko, relieve severe back pain, are completely safe and do not cause side effects. The massage applicators relax the muscles, heat the massage area and relieve pain.
The applicators are made of elastic rubber with needles that gently stimulate the skin. The needles are plated with iron, zinc, copper, nickel and silver.
The body is affected by galvanic currents arising in the skin during massage with a massage roller or when applying the applicator to diseased areas of the body.
The Liapko applicator activates blood circulation, gives energy, stimulates the production of internal drugs and fights the effects of hypodynamics (decreased muscle strength due to immobility).
Enhances the effect of massage, acupuncture, lasers and treatments.